Monthly Archives: July 2006


While wandering the web last night in an effort to procrastinate writing this, I happened upon my nieces blog.  I assume everyone on the planet will eventually be so busy with their own blogs that they will never have a … Continue reading

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As I was sitting here staring at a blank computer screen for ten minutes trying to think of some witty recent experience to whine about (isnt that what your supposed to do with blogs), it hit me how different writing … Continue reading

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So the other morning at work I get an early phone call from the owner of the companys youngest son. I really have only met him four or five times in passing but I recall him being a pleasant and … Continue reading

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Cocktails OK, so shoot me, I have been a slacker and have not blogged in a week. I know this is cheating, but here is something I wrote for my friend Pauls now defunct website way back in 1998.  Ah, … Continue reading

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